Training Needs Analysis or TNA is often neglected in many companies.
Probably because they don’t see its importance. Just as how important the
training is, TNA is also a necessary component in order to arrive at a real
objective of trainings. We don’t just send out employees to training centers ,
spend an amount for them just to attend a learning session for nothing.
Training should be something that they need in order to do better in their
assign jobs. It should be something that will add new skills, a new acquisition
of right behavior and attitude towards the success of the department moreso of
the organization and it should be something that would improve their
performance to the next level.
So how do we know that an employee needs training? It is through the
conduct of Training Needs Analysis. TNA produces a list of skills needed in
order to perform the job well. It is filling-in the skills and the knowledge
gap in order to resolve deficiencies in performance. It is also used in order
to prepare the employees to new technologies and approaches in businesses.
Moreover, it is also used in order to identify or pinpoint the right training
for the staff.
How do we conduct TNA?
The process of Training Needs Analysis covers the following:
Business goals
Job analysis
Analyzing cost and budget available
The means or
Instruments used in conducting the TNA:
Through the feedback portion at the end of the Performance Evaluation –
some HR department incorporates TNA in the conduct of the Performance Evaluation,
which is just fit and timely. At the time of analyzing ones performance the
supervisor and the rate themselves can easily identify the gap in performance
and the gap in skills and knowledge that the rate possess and still needs to
Through a separate survey form – which is quite easy to implement but the
help of the line managers of course.
Through online survey – some uses these techniques in order to get
quicker results. However, it is applicable to those who have computers.
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