Tuesday, September 3, 2013


If  a company have always practiced non-conversion and non forfeiture of its leaves and resulted in a number of excess-leaves, what is the best thing to do?
The scenario is that the company only provides the 10-VL SL. Due to non-treatment of excess leaves, employees have as much as 20+ leaves. Co. Wants to change this .

It depends on what the management is willing to do and what is it that you want to convey to your employees. In other words, go back to your purpose: “ what is the reason for granting SL and VL to your employees?”
Do you want them to take a break and recharge from an exhausting work in order to have a better performance when they come back?
If you really want them to take a break, forfeiture of unused vacation leaves would be in order. This would compel them to use it. This way you put across the message that vacations are important to their well-being and that the company is looking out for them on this.
SL on the other hand should be treated differently. Unused SL could be monetized. This then serves as an incentive for them to keep themselves healthy, as the SL is actually savings for them. 
There are a number of ways to treat the excess, but the key is what do you (and management for that matter) want to do?

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