Showing posts with label Timekeeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Timekeeping. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Since 1990, this issuances on a four-day work week has been known in the Philippines as a “compressed workweek”. Until in 2011, when the recession period is still all over, having this scheme on work schedules had been one of the options by most employers.
In September 2011, since this compressed work week is not mandatory, one of the House Representatives, Winston Castelo of Quezon City has pushed the adoption of the 10-hour, four day or 10/4 workweek in both public and private sectors. Primarily, purpose of this is to give an opportunity for workers to have and enjoy a long weekend with their families.

During compressed work week, workers would still work for 40 hours per week, but only from Monday to Thursday. Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be a day-off for all. That means , to complete the 40 hours in just four days, employees need to work 10 hours a day instead of the regular 8 hours a day schedule.
I have known many companies who have adopted this technique but since this policy is not mandatory, some employers who have found difficulty or have found inapplicability of the said policy to the kind of business that they have, did not follow such.

During the economic global crisis, this flexible work arrangement was used by some establishments and has gotten good results. It just shows  that, if this compressed work schedule will be used for its purpose and not to reduce the income of employees then, it will lead to maximizing the personnel or the human resources of the company at the same time giving them the benefit of having more time with their families.
There are conditions from DOLE  or Department of Labor and Employment which are needed to be accomplished before one can fully implement this so- called four days work scheme.
1.       It should be expressly and voluntarily supported by a majority of the employees affected. Hence, gathering of signatures, survey style on who is favored or not in favor of the 4 day work schedules.
2.       In firms which conditions are hazardous to ones health, a certification is needed from an accredited safety organization  or from the safety committee within the company, that working beyond eight hours is not harmful and that it is within the limits set by DOLE.
3.       Submit the requirements to the DOLE regional office for approval and notification.

To those companies thinking about the adaptation of this policy, it is important that having this shorter workweek and longer weekend , service and productivity should never be compromised.