Sunday, November 24, 2013


This news has been released early in May or June of this year but was finally announced and confirmed last October 2013.

It is confirmed that a 0.6 percent hike in SSS contribution will take effect in the coming year. Starting January 2014 the employee will have a share of 3.63% in the contribution and the employer with a share of 7.37%. The monthly salary credit or MSC will increase to PHP 16,000.00 per month.

Such increase in payment or contribution will result to increase in benefits. The maternity benefit is one example. Since the monthly salary credit increases as the contribution increases, then that will result to a higher computation of the said benefit. The maternity is being computed based on the monthly salary credit.

Microsoft Word - 2013 Draft Circular_Contribution Rate & MSC Inc

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


If  a company have always practiced non-conversion and non forfeiture of its leaves and resulted in a number of excess-leaves, what is the best thing to do?
The scenario is that the company only provides the 10-VL SL. Due to non-treatment of excess leaves, employees have as much as 20+ leaves. Co. Wants to change this .

It depends on what the management is willing to do and what is it that you want to convey to your employees. In other words, go back to your purpose: “ what is the reason for granting SL and VL to your employees?”
Do you want them to take a break and recharge from an exhausting work in order to have a better performance when they come back?
If you really want them to take a break, forfeiture of unused vacation leaves would be in order. This would compel them to use it. This way you put across the message that vacations are important to their well-being and that the company is looking out for them on this.
SL on the other hand should be treated differently. Unused SL could be monetized. This then serves as an incentive for them to keep themselves healthy, as the SL is actually savings for them. 
There are a number of ways to treat the excess, but the key is what do you (and management for that matter) want to do?

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Philhealth is one of the government mandatory benefits in the Philippines. It aims to provide medical assistance to nearly the entire population. It caters the five patient groups as : the workers; the Retirees; the OFWs; the indigents ; and the Non-poor and others.
Benefits package are the same for each group except for indigents and the OFWs who have additional outpatient primary care benefits.
Let’s leave it at that and now continue with the write-up on the formal sector since HR works for the  employed.
  • Get a Philhealth Member Registration Form from the HR Department and fill it up.
  • Attach the supporting documents for qualified dependents as: birth certificate for children and the marriage contract for spouse.
  • Submit to HR Department. Better to have a receiving copies of your evidence in doing follow-ups.
  • HR Department will then forward it to Philhealth office together with ER2 Form or Report of Employee Members.
  • Then, Philhealth will send the Philhealth ID card and a copy of the Member Data Record to the member through his employer or the HR Department.
HR Department should be organized in keeping up this files of the employees since they are designated as the custodian.
For newly-hired with PIN , he/she just have to report his PIN to the employer to indicate the same in ER2.
HR must be responsible enough to report the employees to Philhealth to ensure that they can get due benefits especially in times of need.
Newly – hired employees must be reported using the ER2 Form . Reporting must be done within 30 days of hiring date.
Separated employees must be reported using RF1 within 30 days from date of separation from the office.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


When we ask an applicant in the interview on how much salary is he currently receiving, you may hear this response, “ I am receiving this ____________ amount as a basic salary plus other perks. If you would come to dig with it deeper, you would agree with me. Most of the times, there is no difference with the salary offerings of different companies but with the other benefits that they can offer? – It is really what makes them different. And it is that “other perks” which attract most of the applicants.

Below are some of the less expensive perks we can offer the employees:
1. Flexible time – it all depends on the kind of industry that we are in. If you found out that employees find it hard to make it on time at 7 am, then probably, it is too early for him and he can’t cope up with it. If said employee is of one of the potential talents and his position is considered as one of the hard-to-fill in, then it’s time to make a way I order to make him fit for the job. Consider adjusting his reporting time but be sure to make it 8 hours as required by the policy and the law.

2. Free Lunch – To foster teamwork and happiness in the workplace by way of celebration, why not offer a free even just once a week or once a month. This could be done along with the celebration of those who have birthdays for the month.

3. Pick and Drop – Free transportation can free the employees from worrying with everyday traffic and stress from commuting.

4. Gym Facilities – it is just a one-time investment which we can offer to employees. Make this sports or strengthening and healthy activities free for all employees during non-working hours and on weekends.

5. Libraries for leisure and learnings – encourage reading habits and learning sessions with the employees in order to make them at home even when they are at work.

6. Organize a family day – This will bring the employees including their families closer to the organization.
7. Livelihood Projects – This will interest old employees even the young ones who wants to be productive outside their works.

8. Summer Hours or Summer Days – Aside from the regular teambuildings during summer, give “one Friday” free for all employees. This to give them time with their family for their scheduled outings or summer escapades.

9. Free Chair Massage – Again, this is a “one time” investment which will benefit the employees to ease their back pains from sitting for just around 5 minutes. After that, they can go back to work with the feeling of comfort and relax.

10. Free snacks – Fill the kitchen or the pantry area with fruits, biscuits,  juice, coffee or milk. This will take out the employees from the burden of buying small time snacks and at the same time, it would reduce the office time spent outside the office by buying in the nearby convenience store.

Those are just a few of the perks that would attract talents and helped in retaining them. How about you? Any sharing on unique ideas that would help retain talented employees?

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Human Resource Management is a very difficult job but is viewed as a thankless job. For one to love this job, you must really be interested and see its worth as a function in a company or organization. Getting into full understanding of its processes and its importance depend on ones interest and commitment to the job. I mentioned, it’s a thankless job for the reason that more often than not, no one ever notices or appreciate its importance and its contribution. They are always in a dilemma between employees and the management. But most important of all, they still retain their principle of fairness and professionalism despite any pressure.
HR professionals have different functions or oftentimes are groomed into different specialties. Seeing the job searches or job engines, there a lot of demand than supplies nowadays. Companies are now realizing the importance or significance of Human resources in the corporate world hence the need for more HR people to handle the tasks.

  1. Recruitment Officer / Talent Acquisition Officer
  2. Recruitment Specialist / Talent Acquisition Specialist
  3. Recruitment Manager /Talent Acquisition Manager
  4. HR Generalist
  5. HR Officer
  6. HR Specialist
  7. HR Manager
  8. HR Executive
  9. Timekeeper
  10. Payroll Specialist
  11. Payroll Officer
  12. Payroll Manager
  13. Employee Relations Officer
  14. Employee Relations Specialist
  15. Employee Relations Manager
  16. Training Officer
  17. Training Specialist
  18. Training Manager
  19. HR Consultant
  20. Employee and Welfare Services Officer
…… And a lot more

Some HR professionals have chosen not to work for a company but have preferred establishing their own businesses. They started a business like Manpower Recruitment, Consultancy, HR Training and other services and as a freelancer in HR jobs.

HR as the center of grievance and discipline is labeled as “Highly Reprimanded” Department rather than “Highly Recommended”. It is also tagged as the department of many excuses, such “ we are waiting for the management’s decision”, “ the position is on freeze”, “we need to cost cutting”, and a lot more excuses. But nevertheless, let’s understand that HR Department is the custodian of all processes but always honor the management decision and fairly discussed the employees’ concerns.
With a vast of HR experience in different industries, I could say that every HR of different companies is unique hence also requires a unique yet most effective approach. It depends on how flexible you are as an HR professional. The learnings in handling the Human Resource Management Department are as immeasurable as the challenges that it may bring. Hence, as an HR expert, a mature worker in that profession that is, should have a solid motivation and a love for the job and expect not to be reciprocated with all the goodness and sacrifices done for the sake of doing the job as an HR. After all, it is really a Thankless Job.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


As mentioned in the last SONA (the 4th one ever ) by the President of the Philippines, Noynoy Aquino held last July 22, 2013, there is a need to increase the SSS contribution to help in the reduction of unfunded liability.

Consequently, if the contribution of the members will increasethe pension scheme will have to be amended too.

The hike which was said to be around 0.6% was approved in principle by the Social Security Commission last March 16, 2013.

The matter is still under study and debate awaiting for further approval and implementation. Will post an update once fully approved.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Training Needs Analysis or TNA is often neglected in many companies. Probably because they don’t see its importance. Just as how important the training is, TNA is also a necessary component in order to arrive at a real objective of trainings. We don’t just send out employees to training centers , spend an amount for them just to attend a learning session for nothing. Training should be something that they need in order to do better in their assign jobs. It should be something that will add new skills, a new acquisition of right behavior and attitude towards the success of the department moreso of the organization and it should be something that would improve their performance to the next level.
So how do we know that an employee needs training? It is through the conduct of Training Needs Analysis. TNA produces a list of skills needed in order to perform the job well. It is filling-in the skills and the knowledge gap in order to resolve deficiencies in performance. It is also used in order to prepare the employees to new technologies and approaches in businesses. Moreover, it is also used in order to identify or pinpoint the right training for the staff.

How do we conduct TNA? The process of Training Needs Analysis covers the following:

·         Business goals
·         Job analysis
·         Analyzing cost and budget available

The means or Instruments used in conducting the TNA:

·         Through the feedback portion at the end of the Performance Evaluation – some HR department incorporates TNA in the conduct of the Performance Evaluation, which is just fit and timely. At the time of analyzing ones performance the supervisor and the rate themselves can easily identify the gap in performance and the gap in skills and knowledge that the rate possess and still needs to develop.
·         Through a separate survey form – which is quite easy to implement but the help of the line managers of course.
·         Through online survey – some uses these techniques in order to get quicker results. However, it is applicable to those who have computers.